God in a simple way

100- My life is not my own!

April 03, 2023 Kamran Yaraei
God in a simple way
100- My life is not my own!
Show Notes Transcript

In this podcast episode, Kamran reflects on the idea that our lives are not our own and that we should live them in accordance with the truth of this statement. He shares a personal experience at the dentist's office where he was reminded of the hardships and challenges in his life that are out of his control. However, he also had a moment of clarity where he realized that his life belongs to God and that he should live it as such. Kamran encourages listeners to acknowledge the ownership of Christ over all things created and to live their lives in accordance with this truth.

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 You know, I was, reminded of some incident. Actually, I just came out of doctor's office and they numbed my, uh, mouth. I'm speaking, oh my God, this is funny, but I think I'm gonna just record this for my own, because I'm gonna record it and. Doctor was working my mouth. I was, uh, kind of being reminded, I don't think this part was God, but all the things that they are going kind of almost wrong in my life or they're very hard, they're out of my control.

And I was kind of like, they were just all, you know, as I thought I was just being remind. Just say by darkness about all the things that they're going wrong, and it was a really long time while the doctor is working in my mouth and it was very uncomfortable. But for like one minute at the very end I was reminded, I believe this was the Lord by God or by the light that some incident that they happened.

Even before I gave my heart to Jesus and when I was Muslim and living in Iran, that, uh, my life is not my own. It was not even my own when I was a Muslim and I didn't have Jesus go figure that out. And it was so good that it's, it is so good. And it was. That it was not my own, my life, it was not my own even when I was a Muslim, meaning I didn't believe salvation to the blood of Jesus and forgiveness of all my sins through the blood of Jesus, even when I didn't believe those pains.

Still my. When I look back was not my own. And still now, of course, my life is not my own.

Then I should live my life as my life is not my own, according to the truth about my life. I had a message a long time ago. If I believe that my life is my own, it's just a delusion and it's an illusion. It isn't an illusion. I think when I see that my life is not my own,

my life will be way easier to.

Then my prayer is, father, help me to understand and truly to know that the life I live is not my own.

Paul said, we live. In him. Through him, he knew not only that I'll have my being in Jesus and I live my life through Christ, but they still, I need to understand and to know every single day that yes, I have my being through Christ, but my, this being that I have, the life that I live on. It is not my own, meaning I do not own my life.

You go buy a car and you say, okay, this is my car. I own my car, it's mine. Sometime it's it's illusion. I believe that, oh, my life is mine and I'm gonna give it to Jesus.

I look at how many years I have on earth and say, okay, this is mine, but I give it to Jesus, or the finances, or the five money that I have, or the energy I have, or whatever I have that I give to others and give to God. Subconsciously, I believe, okay, this is mine. I'm gonna give it to him. But the truth is, my life is not my own when I give my life to.

I'm giving him something that is not mine, but I have freedom to give it to him, and I have freedom to behold from him what is his.

To me, if I, when we, and I understand this truth, it will take a lot of pressure off.

Then I will not say, oh, I messed up my life. Oh, my life is very hard. Oh, I'm so afraid to not make good decision and destroy my life, or have a very bad life here. My life is not my own. My life belongs to him. My day belongs to. Even to say my life and my day, I say illusion.

Then there's just, you guys tell me, actually, you don't have to tell me. You just tell yourself. What would you call the life that was given to you? Let me think. What would I. I cannot call it my life. I will say his life then, yeah, it is his, because he's living through me also on earth as I live through him forever.

Then it is his life.

His life, his future. His day.

I kind of, if I could say it, I bottled this life from him. It's his, but he's allowing me to. I think there is a scripture that the Lord is really jealous over the spirit that he put in humans, us humanity, mankind.

It is his spirit that caused life in me.

And the life that I have is not just my car, my house, my belonging, even my bodily flash. The life is vast. It's way bigger. It turn was planted in my heart and in your.

Then if it's my flesh, it's his. If it's my soul, it belongs to him. If it's my spirit, it belongs to him, and if it's my emotion, it belongs to him. Then my emotion, my personality, my past, present, future. My body, my soul, my subconscious conscious mind, and what will happen to me while I'm on the earth. What will not happen to me that I want it to happen on earth.

It all belongs to him, and that's truth. Then why would I be. About someone else's belonging,

especially when he belongs to God. Why would I worry over it? He knows how to take care of his belonging in his infinite wisdom, mercy and love.

Paul was beheaded. That had belonged to Christ and Peter was nailed upside down that belonged to Christ too. Peter always belonged to Christ even when he didn't know Christ. Every single person on Earth belongs to. Bible said all thing, not only on Earth, all thing on Earth and in heaven were created by Christ for Christ, okay?

If he created all thing in heaven and all thing on earth, doesn't everything created belongs. To the one who created it. Of course it does. Then every single person, even the one that they curse God or they don't even believe in God, or they're running away from God, they all including me and you, we belong to him.

Then why would I be worried? About someone else's belonging. Why would I claim something that is not mine?

Yeah, he gave it to us. Of course it looked like he wants us to be a good steward, but that, that's another story. That part, ability to even steward be a good steward of what was given to us. If it's our body, emotion, personality, whatever, and finances,

that ability comes from him. That's totally another message and another matter, but I'm talking about the illusion that most of the time I carry that my life belongs to me. Then I get mad of him sometime if he does not. Take care of the life. He gave it to me the way I wanted him to take care of it because I'm saying, this is my life and I want you to take care of it the way I want it, because this is mine.

He never says that, but I can see it to a degree. It's not mine. I have no ownership. Perhaps that's, Apostle Paul called himself a slave of Christ. That made some, make some people angry. Why do you call me slave?

I'd rather to be slave of Christ because I know how he takes. His slave, which she would never call us slave. He called us friend.

But anyway, you call yourself and I call myself whatever we wanted to call ourself, but at the end of the day or the beginning of the day, in the middle of the day, we all belong to him.

Then we say, father, we acknowledge. As much as we can acknowledge we belong to your son, because Bible said Alling were created in heaven and on earth through your son and for your son.